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[Recopilatorio información] Guía del Dungeon Master

Tel Arin

Miembro del equipo
Como ya es habitual, centraremos la informacion que vayamos conociendo de este manual.



En la DMG estarán las razas del Kender (Dragonlance) y del Forjado (Eberron). Confirmado que los han quitado y no están.
Según Mike Mearls, sera un manual para "hackear" D&D5 y crear tu versión del sistema a tu gusto con las reglas opcionales que aparecerán en este manual.
Habrá reglas opcionales tácticas en la DMG, por ejemplo, existirá la regla de flanqueo.



Tel Arin

Miembro del equipo
Ilustracion interior de la guia del DM


The art on page 215 has a funny story. It was supposed to be just a few potions on an alchemist’s shelf but the artist (Cyril Van Der Haegen) made this magical full page image with EVERYTHING included. The description was simple:

"Alchemist’s shelf with line-up of iconic magical potions. We’d like each potion to look distinct. Here’s a list of how they are described in the DMG. Pick some that seem fun.”

The description went on to list 12 potions he could choose from, each with a short description. Obviously Cyril added to those 12 potions with tons of items, giving us one of those images that you can pour over and still find something new each time you open to the page.

This was originally a half page illustration, but once we saw the amount of work he had put into it and knew we would want to show it as a full page.

Finally, there were no sketches or concept art for this piece. Cyril turned it in basically completed.”

Below are the dozen potions we gave him. Can you find them all in the illustration?

Oil of Etherealness: The exterior of any container of this cloudy gray oil is always damp with droplets of the oil that evaporate away before pooling.
Potion of Climbing: This potion is separated into brown, silver, and gray layers resembling bands of stone.
Potion of Diminution: This potion cycles between clear and dark red. One moment the whole liquid seems red, and then the redness is drawn to the center, replaced by clear liquid. When the last drop of red vanishes, all the liquid becomes red and the process begins again. Shaking the bottle doesn’t mix the liquids.
Potion of Flying: This clear liquid has cloudy white impurities drifting in it and floats at the top of the bottle in defiance of gravity.
Potion of Healing: This liquid is a bright red that glimmers with light as it is swirled.
Potion of Heroism: This bright blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling even when stoppered.
Potion of Invisibility: A bottle with this potion in it looks empty but still feels as though it carries liquid.
Potion of Longevity: This bottle of amber liquid also contains a scorpion’s tail, an adder’s fang, a dead spider, and the heart of some tiny creature that against all reason is still beating.
Potion of Mind Reading: This opaque purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of pink that floats about at random within it.
Potion of Poison: This potion appears to be another sort of potion, and it tastes and smells just like that potion.
Potion of Speed: This yellow fluid is streaked with black. The liquid races around the interior of any vessel with enough room for it to run.
Potion of Water Breathing: This cloudy green fluid has a tiny glowing jellyfish swimming through it and smells of the sea.


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Parece que el Manual del DM incluira una seccion para crear nuevas razas y sub-razas.
[pdf][/pdf] :yahoo: :yahoo: